Buy to Let

381 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: is the buy to let bonanza going to cause a house price crash?

As you know I read the Mail on Sunday so that you don’t have to. Today it has an interesting, if predictably inaccurate and vile, article on buy to let and problems it faces. This I discuss.


2192 days ago

Video of Main Stage Talk at UK Investor Show 2018: Nick Leslau with Tom Winnifrith

This was a wide ranging chat with the property guru covering everything from retailaggedon, to how to invest in commercial real estate to Purplebricks (PURP) to UK house prices and buy to let, Nick Leslau did not hold back.


2206 days ago

The Guardian shows its hatred of those who invest taxed income - we the hard working are parasites

I sometimes read the Guardian just to bring you delights on how the liberal left really think without you having to suffer the pain of reading this humourless left wing bilge. Readers I do a lot for you. Below is an effort from Rhik Samadder "Landlords are social parasites. They’re the last people we should be honouring". I reprint his words of poison, malice and fake fact devoid news with my comments in bold.


2365 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - collapsing auto sales so when do house prices crash?

I start with a look at the collapse in auto sales prompted by statements from Lookers (LOOK) and Auto Trader (AUTO) but also a cracking piece on Zero Hedge HERE. The big short remains - of course - BCA Marketplace I then look at MySquar (MYSQ) and React (REAT), shares in which we, sadly, hold. Then if auto is collapsing why aren't house prices? They will. I look at a new survey on Buy to Let and the various trading statements last week, notably Countrywide (CWD). 


2454 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - the Great British house price crash of 2017 - its now underway

Okay I have called the top before but the house price crash is underway. I explain why and it involves cutting off the supply of dodgy foreign buyers in London, changes in Buy to Let Tax and new costs for landlords, it involves external shocks and an over-borrowed British consumer. It is already underway and this crash will be brutal. I look at what to invest in and what to short. I do a short section on Purplebricks (PURP) which is one of THE top stocks to short in the UK.


2958 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast Easter Day - Sorry Daily Mail Readers property is a bubble that will burst

There is only one thing that Daily Mail readers love more than articles about how illegal immigrants can give you cancer and that is articles on how prices are going up. But today there is an article which warns that the Bank of England is set to try and stop Buy to Let becoming a bubble. It's too late! It is not if but when it all bursts.


3002 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bonus Bearcast: MPs lie about Buy to Let Changes George Osborne must stick to his guns

MPs on the Treasury select committee want George Osborne to reverse changes in the tax treatment of Buy to Let. They lie about why they are bleating and they lie about the consequences. As a dyed in the wool capitalist, I explain in this podcast why, for the good of the economy, the Chancellor must stick to his guns


3131 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 7 October - can life get any worse? Paul Scott gives me advice on healthy living

In today's podcast I reveal how Paul Scott thinks we can all attain the body beautiful. I then move on to discuss Iofina (IOF), madness, sheer madness on buy to let, Grafenia (GRA), Botswana Diamonds (BOD), Boxhill Tech (BOX), JQW (JQW), Jiasen (JSI) and the crony capitalist beanfeast tomorrow YOU are paying for at the AIM awards dinner. I am angry about that and also discuss, in anger, SeaEnergy (SEA) and Eclectic Bars (BAR)
